Chicken recipe with sweet and sour flour fillet

Slice of sour and sour chicken flour
I didn't shop weekly, and finally I emptied the fridge and remembered that there was still a chicken fillet ... The plan is to prepare a roll but since there are no side dishes, it will be processed into slices of chicken seasoning and sweet and sour flour.

1/2 kg of chicken breast fillet
Seasoned flour
1/2 onion Pompeii
3 garlic cloves
3 curly red peppercorns
1/2 large tomato (chopped)
1/2 lemon (squeezed)
1-2 tablespoons of hot sauce (use additional hot)
2 tablespoons of tomato sauce
Mushroom broth
Sufficient amount of water
Fried oil

He succeeded
  • Thoroughly wash chicken strips and then cut into cubes (or as desired)

  • Pour the seasoning flour into a bowl, add the chicken pieces, then mix until the chicken is covered with flour.

  • Fried chicken not cooked well (not too dry or golden). Lift up, drain.

  • Chop onion, garlic, pepper and tomato.

  • Fry onions and hot pepper until half of them wither, then add garlic. Smear for a while, do not overdo it.

  • Add the hot sauce and tomato sauce to stir, stir until mixture. Add enough water (not much).

  • Add salt, sugar, mushroom stock, chopped tomatoes and lemon juice. Mix and taste it.

  • My heart until the water decreases and thickens. Then add the chicken fillet and mix it with spices.

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