Sliced Fish (Red Garoupa) with Ginger Recipe

We had a lot Old Ginger left in our kitchen. Looked back on what fish dishes and decided we would try sliced fish with Ginger. Red Garoupa was used as deary loves Garoupa.

Was wondering how to describe the way we prepared our Old Ginger and stumbled over this interesting informative page, click here. It mentioned a few types of preparation style: Planks, Matchsticks, Minced, Grated.

Fragrance Fried Garlic Ingredients
100g sliced Old Ginger (thin Matchsticks)
4 tablespoons of Sesame Oil

Heat Sesame Oil. Fry the thinly sliced Old Ginger until Golden Brown. Remove and set aside. Use the remaining Sesame Oil to fry sliced fish with Ginger.

Other Ingredients
300g sliced fish (Optional Choice: Red Garoupa)
2 tablespoons Fish Sauce
1 teaspoon Soy Sauce
1 teaspoon Oyster Sauce
1 teaspoon Rice Wine
80ml Water
1 teaspoon Corn Flour (Optional. If you prefer thick sauce pre-mix it with the Water)
1 teaspoon Sugar
Dash of White Pepper
few 1" long Spring Onion
Sliced Chili (Optional)

While the remaining sesame oil is still hot, pour in the sliced fish and let it lightly cook on both sides.

Add in Fish Sauce, Soy Sauce, Oyster Sauce, Rice Wine, Sugar, White Pepper and stir fry.

Finally add in the sliced Chili and Spring Onion for a quickly toss to mix evenly.

Top the dish with the Fragrance Fried Garlic and served.

Click here for our blog page Cooking Classes for more recipes. Hope you will be inspired~

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