Lemon Curd Recipe

Lovely lovely Lemon Curd. It's not sweet. It's just a slightly sour which is just right. Received tons of praise on it when we used it as one the ingredients of our bakes.

Give this a try along with some of our suggested creations of ours!

5 Eggs
115g Sugar
150ml Lemon Juice
0.25 teaspoon of Salt
150ml Whipping Cream (35% Fat) or 100g Full Cream Milk + 30g Melted Butter

1. Put Eggs, Sugar, Salt, and Lemon Juice in a stainless steel bowl. Whisk until the sugar dissolves.
2. Pour in the Whipping Cream and mix well to combine.
3. Place the bowl over a saucepan of simmering water. Continuously stir with a whisk for about 10-15 minutes, or until the mixture is smooth and thick.
4. When the mixture is cooked, remove from the heat, stir for about 1 minute longer to cool a little.
5. Place the Lemon Curd in a air-tight container and refrigerate for at least 8 hours or overnight before use.

Some Extra Tips Below:
- This can be store up to 1 week.
- The curd should transform as it cooks, starting off as a very thin cream with froth on top that will then become thick with bubbles, when the bubbles disappear altogether about 5 minutes before cooking is complete.
- Ensure continuous stirring at all times to avoid ending up with a grainy texture in the finished curd.

Below is my creations using this Lemon Curd as an ingredient. All here to share!

1. Strawberries Lemon Curd Fruit Tarts, Click for Recipe

2. Green and Red Grapes Lemon Curd Fruit Tarts, Click for Recipe

3. Lemon Curd Coconut Cake (Coming Soon...)

Click here for our blog page Baking Classes for more recipes. Hope you will be inspired~

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