Enjoy a long weekend Easter lunch with Newman's Own, The English Provender Co. and Very Lazy!

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Enjoy a long weekend Easter lunch with Newman's Own, The English Provender Co. and Very Lazy!

Cook up a feast for friends and family this Easter with a range of recipe ideas from Newman's Own, The English Provender Co. and Very Lazy.  Pick our your favourite dish or try the whole menu for a seasonal Easter Feast to kick off Spring in style.

The fresh French-inspired fig and goat's cheese salad using Newman's Own Light French Dressing is perfect to start!

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*French Fig, Ham and Goats Cheese Salad with Almonds*
Serves 2
A delicious starter from the people at Newman's Own perfect for your Easter lunch.  

4 TBS Newman's Own Light French Dressing
4 fresh ripe figs, each sliced into 6 wedges
4 to 6 slices of Bayonne ham or other dried ham such as Parma ham
150g of soft goats cheese, crumbled ( 2/3cup)
20g of picked mint leaves (about 3/4 cup)
20g of whole almonds, chopped (I toast these first as
it really helps to bring out the flavour of them best) (2 TBS)

Divide all of the salad ingredients between two plates, layering the different components and finishing with the almonds.  Drizzle with the dressing and serve immediately.  

The fillet of Lamb served with a Very Lazy Chilli salsa is a great twist on the traditional dinner.

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*Fillet of Lamb with Mint, Garlic and Chili Salsa*
served with lemon cucumber yogurt and caramelized onion couscous
Serves 4
A delicious main course for your Easter lunch brought to you by the people at Very Lazy.  

For the Salad:
2 X 300g fillet/loin of lamb, at room temperature
(Approximately 2/3 pound in weight each)
4 TBS olive oil

For the Salsa:
1 1/2 TBS Very Lazy Garlic
1 ts Very Lazy Chilli (or more if you like it hot)
3 TBS shredded fresh mint

For the couscous:
2 TBS Very Lazy Caramelized red onions
250g couscous (approximately 1 1/2 cups)
70g flaked almonds (generous 3/4 cup)
(Again I like to toast these first)
2 TBS olive oil
For the Yogurt:
250g Greek Yogurt (1 1/4 cup)
the zest of one lemon
1 small cucumber, grated  

Preheat the oven to 200*C/400*F/ gas mark 6.  Place the lamb ito a bowl and rub with 2 TBS of the olive oil.  Place onto a baking sheet and roast for 12 to 5 minutes, or until cooked but still pink.  Leave to reast for 3 to 4 minutes before slicing.

Meanwhile, place the remaining 2 TBS of olive oil in a small pan and cook the chilli and garlic for 5 minutes. Leave to cool and then stir in the fresh mint.
Next, place the couscous in a large bowl and cover with boiling water.  (About 350ml or a scant 1 1/2 cups)  Cover with plastic cling film and leave for 5 to 10 minutes.  Once ready, flua fork and add the onions, flaked almonds, olive oil and some salt.  Gently mix to combine.

Finally make the yogurt sauce by combining everything together. 
To serve, divide the couscous between six plates, and top with a few slices of lamb on each, along with the yoghurt sauce and salsa drizzled over top.    

Finish off your meal with this beautiful piece de resistance from The English Provender Co, a delicious sweet St Clement's Cake using their Luxury Lemon Curd.  

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*St Clement's Cake*
Makes 8 generous slices

A delicious finish to your Easter Lunch from English Provender Co.  

4 TBS English Provender Co. Luxury Lemon Curd
4 tsp Very Lazy Ginger Paste
300g pack of full fat cream cheese (1 1/4 cups)
125g of icing sugar, sifted (2 1/3 cups)
175g of unsalted butter or margarine, softened (3/4 cup)
175g of caster sugar (15 TBS)
the finely grated zest and the juice of 2 unwaxed lemons
3 medium free range eggs, beaten
175g of self raising flour (1 1/4 cup)  

Beat the cream cheese and icing sugar together until smooth.  Add enough lemon juice (about 2 TBS) to get a good spreading consistency.  Cover and chill until ready to use.  

Preheat the oven to 180*C/350*F/ gas mark 4.   Lightly butter and base line two 7-inch sandwich tins with greaseproof paper.   Set aside.  

Cream the butter, sugar, ginger paste and lemon zest together in a large bowl until pale and well combined.  Gradually beat in the eggs, adding a little flour after each addition if the mixture begins to curdle.   Sift over any remaining flour and fold it  in with a large metal spoon.  Divide the mixture between the two tins, leveling the surface of each with the back of a spoon.   Bake for 20 to 25 minues, until risen and golden and firm to the couch.   Allow to cool in the tins for 5 minutes before turning out onto a wire rack to finish cooling completely.  
Peel the paper from the sponges.  Spread half of the cream cheese mixture over the top of each sponge, right up to the edges.   Drop two TBS of the lemon curd over top of each and using a skewer or teaspoon, pull it through the cream cheese mixture to swirl.   Sandwich the cakes together and lift onto a serving plate.

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