Chicken and Tarragon Pot Pie

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We do love a pot pie in this house, especially when they are homemade.  My mom always made great pot pies when I was growing up . . . every roast dinner almost guaranteed a pot pie made from the leftovers within a day or two.  We LOVED pies flat out.  If it was in a crust . . . we were happy campers full stop.    

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We even loved the frozen pot pies that my mom would buy on sale from time to time . . . you know the ones I mean . . . lots of gravy, peas and carrots and a few bits of beef or chicken or turkey, depending on what kind they were.   We just loved pie.

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Happy to say my taste has gotten a lot better since I grew up.  I would never be happy with one of those insipid frozen pies now . . . not when I can make one of my own at home that would be a lot tastier, and it's not all that hard either when it comes right down to it.  Seriously.

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It really only takes a tiny bit of effort and you can have a delicious pot pie on the table in no time at all. I love this pie with it's lovely rich and creamy tarragon sauce, filled with peas and carrots . . .  and tasty chunks of chicken . . . leek and onion . . .  all tucked beneath that flaky puff pastry crust.   This be good eating all round.   No question at all.  I do so hope you will give it a try.  I guarantee you will be converted.  I think you'll plan on having leftovers from now on, just so you can make it.  ☺

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 *Chicken and Tarragon Pot Pie*
Serves 4 to 6

A delicious version of an old time favourite with a lovely rich sauce which has been lightly flavoured with tarragon, chives and parsley. Puff pastry tops it.  What's not to like?

For the sauce:
50g  butter (3 1/2 TBS)
35g plain flour (4 1/4 TBS)
500ml of hot chicken stock (2 1/4 cups)
100ml of single cream (generous 1/3 cup light cream)
several sprigs of fresh tarragon, leaves stripped off and chopped coarsely
a small bunch of fresh chives, chopped
the leaves from a small bunch of flat leaf parsley, finely chopped

You will also need:
1 TBS olive oil
1 TBS butter
1 medium onion, peeled and chopped
2 medium carrots, peeled and sliced
2 trimmed leeks, cleaned and thinly sliced
a splash of white wine
500g of cooked chicken, cut into bite sized pieces (a very generous pound)
75g of frozen peas (1/2 cup)
1 sheet of ready rolled puff pastry, all butter if possible
1 small free range egg, beaten with 1 tsp water
sea salt and freshly ground black pepper

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Preheat the oven to 190*C/375*F/gas mark 5.

Heat the oil and butter in a large non-stick skillet.  Once the butter begins to foam, add the onion, carrots and leeks.  Cook, stirring occasionally, without browning, until soft.  Season well with some salt and pepper, add a splash of wine and cook for several more minutes.  Stir in the chicken and peas.  Remove from the heat and pour into a 12 by 8 inch baking dish.   Set aside.

To make the sauce, melt the butter in a heavy based saucepan over low heat.   Whisk in the flour and cook, stirring, for about a minute.  Slowly whisk in the hot stock and cream, whisking constantly.  Whisk and simmer until the mixture thickens.   Season well with salt and pepper.  Stir in the herbs.  Taste and adjust seasoning as necessary.  Pour this mixture over top of the chicken.  

Unroll the pastry on a lightly floured surface.  Lay the sheet over top of the filling.  Trim the edges to sit just inside the edge of the pie dish, and then crimp the edges decoratively.  Score the pastry lightly in diagonals with a sharp knife, taking care not to cut all the way through.  Beat the egg together with the water and then brush the top with some of this egg wash.   Cut a slash in the centre to vent for steam.  (I use my kitchen scissors and cut it in a criss cross.)  Sprinkle lightly with some sea salt and black pepper in a decorative manner.

Bake for 30 to 40 minutes, until golden brown.  Serve immediately.  We like to have some mash and veg on the side as well.

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