An Iced Lemon Yogurt Madiera Cake and some pretty darned tasty yogurt

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I know you must get tired of me saying this, but I do get sent the nicest things.   A week or so ago the people from Rachel's sent me a flat of the most delicious lemon yogurt I have ever seen.   At first, faced with six large pots of Rachel;s Organic Greek Style bio-live yogurt, I thought o myself what on earth am I ever going to do with so many pots of yogurt!!!

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It's a week later and I am wishing they had sent me a couple of  more.    It is honestly the best Lemon yogurt I have ever tasted.  It's thick and creamy and lemony. This delectable new Rachel’s flavour blends juicy lemons with Rachel’s signature thick, creamy Greek Style yogurt, leaving taste buds tantalised with sweet, buttery undertones of fragrant lemon and a rich velvety smooth finish. Made simply and with care, using only the finest organic lemons and locally sourced milk, Rachel’s latest addition to the Greek Style range is reminiscent of a luxurious lemon curd.  TO DIE FOR.  It's as plain as that.

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We've been enjoying it with our morning granola and one night when we had company for dinner, I layered some of it in some pretty glasses with some fresh blueberries, for a lovely light and fresh tasting dessert.  Simple too.   Everyone love, Love, LOVED it!  That made me happy.  And it was no work at all.  I popped a tiny meringue on the top of each for an extra special touch.

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We've been enjoying a little bowl of it in the evenings as well . . . so nice to munch on when we are watching the telly. Kept us away from the crisps and chocolate for sure and today I used the last of it to bake a delicious Iced Lemon Yogurt Madiera Cake.   I have come to the conclusion that the madiera cake is the British version of pound cake.  A lovely dense cake, buttery and moreish.

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This is a beautiful loaf cake, with lots of fresh lemon flavour . . .  both from the lemon yogurt, and from fresh lemon juice and  zest in the batter . . .  and then a sweet/tart thick lemon glaze on top.  This is one that will have you sneaking back into the kitchen when nobody's looking to get just one more tiny sliver  . . . .

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Come on . . . tell me I am not the only person who does that?  If you only bake one cake this week, let it be this one.  You will fall in love just like I have.

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*Iced Lemon Yogurt Madiera Cake*
Makes one 8 inch loaf cake

Moist and lemony, with a delicious lemon glaze drizzled over top.  If you love lemon, then you will adore this tasty cake.  

210g of plain flour (1 1/2 cups)
2 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp salt
225ml of full fat lemon yogurt
200g of caster sugar (1 cup)
3 large free range eggs
the finely grated zest and juice of one large unwaxed lemon
1/4 tsp vanilla extract
110ml of vegetable oil (1/2 cup)  

For the icing:
140g of sifted icing sugar (1 cup)
lemon juice  

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Preheat the oven to 160*C/325*F/ gas mark 3.  Butter and flour an 8 inch loaf tin, tapping out any excess flour.  Alternately line with baking paper.

Sift the flour, baking powder and salt into a small bowl and set aside.  In a large glass or plastic non-reactive bowl, whisk together the yogurt, eggs, sugar, lemon zest, lemon juice and vanilla.   Mix all together well.   Slowly whisk in the dry ingredients until well combined and then whisk in the vegetable oil until well mixed together.  Pour into the prepared loaf tin.

Bake for 45 to 50 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted into the centre comes out clean.  Allow to sit in the pan for 10 minutes before tipping ou0t onto a wire rack to cool completely.  
For the glaze whisk enough lemon juice into the icing sugar to give you a thick but drizzable glaze.  Pour this over the cake.  Allow to set before cutting into slices to serve. 

Recipe Notes:   I have had one reader use melted butter instead of oil in this recipe with excellent results, so if you don't want to use oil, feel free to use butter.

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Rachel's Greek Style Lemon Yogurt is made simply and with care, using only the finest organic ingredients. It contains the yogurt cultures Lactobacillus acidophilus &  Bifidobacterium.

It is available at Sainsbury's and Waitrose.

We both loved this yogurt.  It was delicious.  Many thanks to Rachel's for sending it to me. 

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