Waldorf Salad

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I don't always eat hedonistically calorie laden goodies here in my English Kitchen.  Sometimes I actually eat healthy stuff.  You know . . . things like fruit and salads . . . full of freshness and vitamins, instead of fat and calories . . .

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You might not think the words "Waldorf Salad" and healthy go together, and most times you would probably be correct.  Most times it is cloyingly clogged with tons of mayonnaise  . . . as good as it might taste, it's not that good for you to indulge in it very often . . .

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Until now that is.   This version is light and absolutely as delicious to eat as it is beautiful to look at!  I found this recipe in a Donna Hay book, so you know it's going to be good and healthy too.  I cannot claim the original credit for it, although I have adapted it somewhat to the ingredients I happened to have in my own kitchen.

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I am a great believer in making do with what you have on hand.   I switched out the watercress in her recipe for baby gem leaves and  salad cress (mustard cress).    I also didn't go to the trouble of dragging out the food processor to make a little salad dressing.  I simply mashed everything together with a fork and it worked a charm.

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I thought it would be a lot of fun to top the salad with the top of the apple, which is sliced really thinly, instead of being chopped . . . and I toasted the walnuts because . . . well . . . toasting just makes nuts taste better, don't you think?

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Altogether it was easy and it was light.  It was fresh.  It was delicious.   It was healthy . . .  with crisp apples and toasty nuts, ribbons of celery (de-stringed of course) and a wonderfully light blue cheese dressing.  I do hope you will give it a go.   I think you'll agree with me.  This is fabulous.

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*Waldorf Salad*
Serves 4

This has a beautiful presentation.  By all means if you don't want to present it like this, feel free to cut the apples into cubes, along with the celery.  This is so pretty though when you do it the other way.  

3 ripe Granny Smith apples, washed well
1 firm stalk of celery, washed and de-stringed
(Just use a sharp knife to grab the strings at the ends of the stalk and gently pull,
they will easily pull awa)
100g toasted walnuts, chopped coarsely (1 cup)
1 head of baby gem lettuce, washed and leaves broken into bits
a punnet of salad cress (a large handful)  

For the dressing:
75g of good quality whole egg mayonnaise (1/4 cup)
the juice of 1/2 lemon
2 TBS water
1 tsp sugar
fine sea salt and cracked black pepper to taste
100g mild blue cheese, crumbled (1/2 cup)  

You will want all of your elements ready prior to cutting the apples as they quickly turn brown.  Alternately toss them with a tsp of lemon juice to help prevent this from happening.  

First make the dressing.  Mash all of the dressing ingredients together with a fork, until you have a smooth dressing.  Set aside.  

Cut ythe stalk of celery into thirds and then thinly slice each third into ribbons.  (Now you know why you want it de-stringed)  Alternately cut it into thin slices crosswise.    Tear up your baby gems and divide them between each of four salad plates.   Scatter the celery on top.  Thinly slice the apples horizontally.  Discard any seeds.  Arrange them decoratively on top of the celery.  (Althernatively cut them into cubes.)  Scatter with the toasted walnuts and the cress.  Drizzle with the blue cheese dressing and serve immediately.

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