Chicken and Broccoli Casserole

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Does this look tasty???   I know!  It DOES, and it hasn't even been baked yet!

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Can you imagine how delicious something that looks as tasty as this before it's baked, is going to taste after it's been baked and is ready to eat???   I KNOW!

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I won't make you wait any longer . . . here it is fresh out of the oven.  A delicious Chicken and Broccoli Casserole, made without any of those cream of whatever soups . . . just pure and simple ingredients . . .

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Fresh ingredients such as crispy tender Broccoli Florets . . . leftover roasted chicken breast meat . . . thinly sliced onions, creme fraiche, chicken stock . . . cheese, two kinds . . . and toasted fresh bread crumbs, flavoured with butter, garlic, seasoning and mixed herbs . . .

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Refreshingly different.   Moreishly tasty.  Rich and cheesy  . . .  crispy on top.  Nicest Chicken Casserole I have eaten in a while.  It went down a real treat with some boiled baby potatoes on the side.   You'll want some crusty bread to sop up the juices with too . . . if you don't like this, I'll eat my hat!

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*Chicken and Broccoli Casserole*
Serves 4 

A deliciously different chicken casserole than the usual chicken and broccoli one.  There is no cream soup involved.  Just lovely fresh and simple ingredients.  I used tenderstem broccoli today, but you can use whichever broccoli you wish to use.  

400g of broccoli florets, broken (a large crown)
2 TBS butter, divided
1 medium onion, peeled and thinly sliced
350g of cooked chicken, torn into bite sized pieces (about 3 cups)
100g creme fraiche (scant cup)
200ml of chicken stock (7 fluid ounces)
25g of fresh bread crumbs, coarse (1 ounce)
pinch of garlic powder and mixed herbs
60g of grated strong cheddar cheese (1/2 cup)
60g of grated emmenthaler cheese (1/2 cup)    

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Preheat the oven to 200*C/400*F/ gas mark 6.  Bring a large pot of lightly salted water to the boil.  Add the broccoli and then cook until just crispy tender.  Drain well and rinse in cold water to prevent cooking further.  Drain again. 

Melt 1 TBS of the butter in a skillet and add the onion.  Cook, stirring over medium heat until the onion has softened without colouring.   Set aside.

Layer the broccoli, chicken, onion and cheese in an oven proof dish, ending with cheese.  Season lightly with some salt and pepper.  I usually do this on top of the chicken layer.  Mix together the creme fraiche and stock.  Pour this over all.  Melt the remaining butter in the saucepan and add the breadcrumbs.  Season lightly with salt and pepper.  Stir in a pinch of garlic powder and the mixed herbs.  Cook to crisp.  Sprinkle them over top of the casserole dish.  Place onto a baking sheet and then bake in the heated oven until golden brown and bubbling, 20 to 25 minutes.  Serve hot.

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